Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Craft Fair

I have been so busy over the last few weeks sewing ready for a craft fair last Saturday, I was asked to have stand in a barn, I expected lots of hay and a nice fresh country smell....lush...to my surprise it had a swimming pool on the ground floor (and a very posh one too..) and upstairs a massive room with toilets and chandeliers!!

I took lady 'K' who's is my best helper, we carried everything up the winding stairs, here is a pic of the table.

and a close up...

what do you think of my little tooth fairy pillows? they have a little embroidered linen pocket so you can leave your tooth in the pocket and if you are good they should be a coin left by the tooth fairy!! OK for £5.50!

Kat is obsessed with chocolate, maybe because here early years consisted of chocolate chocolate and not much else but that's another story... can you imagine her face when this arrived? she was in a trance.....truthfully....I have never seen her like that! a lot of my profit went on this..

What I love about craft fairs is all the other stallholders, hearing their stories, their successes(and failures), I always come away motivated and with few new craft friends. Beverley lives locally and had the most amazing personalised children swear, we found it hard to stop nattering the whole time, she has 2 donkeys,chickens and (in her words) an untidy crafters house! She has invited me and the girls to visit in the holidays, I cant wait!

A good day was had by all.


  1. Fab piccies Jane, your stall looked great! Love your tooth fairy pillows!

    It sounds as though both you and Lady K had a wonderful day!!

    I use my bag everyday and love it, I can fit so much into it....and I can always find my car keys which is brilliant!

    take care,

