Al the Pink Ladies (our Stampin up Team)did a lovely surprise for Michelle Last our upline, we, all on the same day sent her a handcrafted card each to thank her for all her support guess which one never arrived!!! yes you guessed it!! mine! so disappointed, I thought she had not shown it because it was rubbish bt no...I also forgot to photograph it so I got it on the post on time!never mind the thought was there..
Anyway back to the room,
I had my work table raised with some wooden cubes that fitted underneath that Father-in-law made but I miscalculated and its soooo high it needs to be altered...cant tell him though it took ages and ages,all my fabrics are on rolls and they take up a lot of room as you can see

So when I was meeting my new fabric supplier I had an idea when looking throught their stock in the warehouse..If I could fold all my fabric right side out and lap them on card not only would they take up less space I could see the colours more and visualise my colour combo' are some pics what do you think?

The fabby Chris came round on Friday to get me back on track she is great and getting me motivated just look at my books and shelves!!

I will get there in the end you know, just don't know when the end its....I have a couple of craft fairs coming up soon so I need to get sewing I will post pics of some of my bit and bobs to see what you think.
On a funny note , I have just been away with Hubby and 2 other couples to London for the weekend, it was reall wierd having 2 arms again (not having Lady C holding my arm with 2 hands she cant go anywhere without doing it) what a great time, we laughed and laughed and had a good drink (or 2 ) saw the sights when we could get the men out of the pub here is a picture of a pidgeon eating smarties at the next table and a pi of the men bringing us all flowers but in their mouths Stuart is the one on the right I could not stop giggling it also took the edge off the £3.50 Mr Whippy hubby bought me...£3.50!! thought they were called a 99 for a reason....